Meaning of the CHCM Celtic Cross

Celtic Heart for Christ Ministries

The Celtic Cross of CHCM contains three words, Equip, Endow, and Edify. These words represent the three purposes of the fivefold ministry as stated in Eph 4:11-12.  The three purposes are perfecting of the saints, works of ministry, and building up of the Body of Christ.  (Based on the KJV Translation) The base upright of the cross contains a double-edged sword.  In the center is the Celtic symbol for the Trinity of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and a Heart, all surrounded by a ring. 


A standard Celtic cross is a cross over a circle or ring.  They both can be of varied designs with many containing Celtic knots. There are several traditional definitions as to the reasoning of the cross circle/ring combination, however, for me and CHCM, this is my description:


The Cross – Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice and redemption of mankind and all of creation that fell under the curse of judgement and decay as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin.


The Main Ring – The completeness of God’s creation.


The Inner Ring – The eternal nature of mankind’s soul.


The Trinity Symbol and Heart – It is within the Cross of Jesus Christ that the Triune God reaches out and touches the realm of mankind with His love and gift of salvation.


Equip Cultivate Faith in the individual believer through biblical instruction grounded in scripture so that they can stand in the full armor of God against the challenges of life and the attacks by the enemy of our soul.


Endow Instill Hope in the individual and the church through acts and gifts of ministry thus strengthening and enriching their walk of faith.


Edify Stir up Love for one another within the in the Body of Christ and to value and support each other in our respective callings in our service to God.


Double Edge Sword – The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. This is the foundation upon which our faith and this ministry is built.

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